Egift Card Maker – Create Greeting, Thanksgiving Card With Beautiful Theme, Emoticon And Message



When a special time like CHIRISTMAS, NEWYEAR, your friend BIRTHDAY, MOTHER FATHER day, VALENTINE day, … is coming. You want to make a greeting or thanksgiving Cards… and send it to your friends, colleagues and family members ?
This app will help you to make it!. It give your card a soul, then share your creation with friends, your lover through email, or by publishing them directly to popular social network – Facebook, Twitter, …
+ Many beautiful and emotion card theme.
+ Many attractive emoticon to draw on your card.
+ Add as many as coloful message int to your card
+ Many beautiful fonts will make your photos more beautiful and more engaging.
+ Essential Features let you resize, align, position, change color and even change gradient color of your text, or do anything you can imagine.
QUICK HELP: Egift Maker need permission to access your photos to save your work. If your device is turn on restriction, Egift Maker will ask for permission to access photos (on iPhone) or GPS (on iPad). In case you cannot save, please go to settings and allow it access your photos, or just uninstall and reinstall it.

Your feedback is very valuable for us, it helps us improving our product and update more cool features. So we will try to answer as much feedback as we can at our support page.

You can preference to video at to see how to make a great card

For more quick help and some instruction that let you make more beautiful cards, please follow us at or email us at

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